I don’t have too much to report this week in lab. Aside from having to re-plate because the plates were left in the incubator too long, I haven’t moved too far ahead in my project this week. I am trying to get some good/countable CFU (colony forming units) so I can compare results after putting the yogurts, buttermilk, and kefir milk through the mockup of the human stomach I’ll be making inside the lab. Speaking of the human stomach mockup I had a difficult time coming up with how to actually do something close to the stomach. After brainstorming about it and talking with Matt and Josh I finally came up with something I can do with the resource within the lab.
I’ll be using a recipe of hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and distilled water to make up gastric acid of the stomach. After making the solution a proper amount of yogurt/milk will be added to it and then placed inside a Ziploc bag. Once inside the Ziploc bag it will then be placed flat inside a box with marbles laying on top of the bag. The whole box will then be put onto the rocking machine inside the lab so the marbles can move back and forth atop of the bag. This is what I have come up with to simulate the muscles of the stomach. I’ll be running the whole stimulation for two hours on each of the products because it usually take about two hours to digest food. I am looking forward to actually running this stimulation when the time comes. Well fellow S-STEM scholars until next time and good luck with your projects.
Picture of the redos done this week there were sixteen done in all. Four for each product with different amounts on each one. The amounts were 25µl, 50µl, 75µl, and 100µl. Using a 99ml peptone solution with 1/10 of 1ml yogurt/milk product.
Hello. I would like to see this artificial stomach if you are around. :)